Today, I’m thrilled to share a simple and affordable method for recording comms from your Eartec Ultralite headsets. Despite what you may have been told, it’s entirely possible, and I’ll show you how for just $8. Let’s dive in!

Understanding the Setup:

  • The method works with the Eartec hub system, not standalone headsets.
  • By utilizing a microphone/headphone combo jack, you can extract the comms audio from the hub.
  • This allows you to record comms for training or to stream alongside your multiview feed.

Materials Needed: (all links can be found on the gear page)

  • Eartec hub system
  • Microphone/headphone combo jack splitter ($8 on Amazon)
  • Aux cable (length as per requirement)
  • Recording device (e.g., ATEM mini)

Setup Process:

  • Identify the port on the Eartec hub where you would typically connect another hub for extending the setup.
  • Instead of using a proprietary cable, plug the microphone/headphone combo jack splitter into this port.
  • Note: You may need to plug into the microphone port on the splitter due to possible reversal of rings by Eartec.
  • The splitter will split the signal into an input and an output, with the output carrying the comms audio.
  • Connect an aux cable from the splitter’s output to your recording device, such as an ATEM mini.
  • Ensure your recording device is set up to capture the incoming audio feed.

Benefits and Considerations:

  • This method provides a cost-effective way to record comms without relying on expensive proprietary cables.
  • While the audio quality may not be pristine, it’s sufficient for training and review purposes.
  • For setups with two hubs, a more complex solution involving adapters and mixers may be necessary to combine outputs.
  • Consider custom cable solutions if you’re adept with a soldering iron, but for most, the $8 splitter is a convenient option.

With this budget-friendly hack, you can unlock the capability to record comms from your Eartec Ultralite headsets with ease. Whether for training volunteers or enhancing your livestream with multiview recordings, this method offers practicality and affordability. Don’t let the lack of documentation deter you—try it out and see the difference it makes!

Until next time!

Got questions? Drop me a line through the contact form or reach out on Instagram!