Recording or streaming your church’s multiview feed can be immensely beneficial for training purposes, skill improvement, or simply showcasing your production prowess. In this guide, we’ll explore an easy and budget-friendly method to achieve this.

Reasons for Recording/Streaming Multiview:

  1. Training: Helps newcomers understand live production workflows and their roles.
  2. Skill Improvement: Offers insights into directing techniques, camera operations, and production flow.
  3. Passion Sharing: Allows enthusiasts to share their love for live video production.
  4. Impressiveness: Offers an opportunity to showcase technical proficiency to friends and family.

Method Overview:

1. Multiview Feed Capture:

  • Utilize a splitter to send the multiview signal to both a monitor and a recorder.
  • Alternatively, loop the multiview output back into a switcher input and assign it to an aux output for flexibility.

2. Audio Integration:

  • For capturing comms, extract the audio from the communication system and combine it with the video signal.
  • The method varies based on the communication system in use.

3. Recording/Streaming Device:

  • Use a recorder capable of capturing both video and audio simultaneously.
  • Example: ATEM Mini Pro ISO offers inputs for program feed, clean feed, multiview, and external audio sources (e.g., comms).
  • Record program feed while muting other audio sources to avoid interference with the church service.
  • Alternatively, consider using a separate encoder for streaming the multiview with comms.

Example Setup:

  1. Connect program feed, clean feed, and multiview outputs to the ATEM Mini Pro ISO inputs.
  2. Plug comms output into mic input on the ATEM Mini Pro ISO.
  3. Record program feed while muting other audio sources.
  4. Post-service, combine audio and video sources in video editing software to create a multiview with comms.
  5. Optionally, set up a separate ATEM Mini specifically for streaming the multiview with comms.

Recording or streaming your church’s multiview offers valuable insights and training opportunities for production teams. With budget-friendly tools like the ATEM Mini Pro ISO, capturing multiview feeds with comms integration becomes accessible and straightforward. Experiment with different setups and workflows to find what works best for your church’s needs.

Until next time!

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