Josh Nassar

Hey, my name is Josh Nassar, and I run things over here at Budget Church Livestreaming! This website and YouTube channel exist to help other people and churches set up and run a good, high quality livestream without spending an arm and a leg.

Although I work full-time as a software engineer, I’ve also been operating as my church’s Livestream Director since 2020, you know, when everyone and their mother started livestreaming. I hardly knew anything about cameras or live broadcast back then, but I’ve loved every second of getting to build something out of nothing for my church. It’s taken a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, but our livestream is finally something that I’m proud of and, dare I say, excellent. See for yourself!

I have a love for all things technical, but I also have a love for sharing my knowledge with others. That’s the main reason I started this channel, to help others who were in a similar boat, but who maybe don’t have the technical know-how to get something off the ground. My target is the church who can’t afford to spend tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars on their video ministry, but who would like to still create something that showcases their church for anyone looking.

If that sounds like you, check out the articles on this site or the videos on my YouTube channel, I hope that they can be of some help to you. And feel free to reach out through any avenue if you have questions, want to collaborate, or even just want to chat. I’d seriously love that.